Company F.P.S. ARCO, Ltd. was founded in early 1991. All memebers of the founding staff are the workers of the former state-owned enterprise Teplotechna Praha and have many years of experience in the appropriate profession.

Since July 1994 the company has tied close cooperation with KARRENA company residing in Germany. This company belongs to the world´s best companies in the branches mentioned hereunder both in design and as far as technological and performance aspects are concerned.

Company F.P.S. ARCO,Ltd is aimed at following main business activities:

- erection, revisions and repairs of industrial chimneys
- refractory works
- refractory linings of all thermal installations
- maintenance of concrete structures
- other civil engineering works - industrial flooring, building reconstructions, erection of buildings on the "turn key" base

Company F.P.S. ARCO, Ltd is a member of several professional associations:
  • International Commitee of Industrial Chimneys (CICIND), associating the users and builders of industrial chimneys on a world-wide scale, with its headquarters in Switzerland
  • Association of Concrete Structures Maintenance (SSBK - the abreviations of the Czech title), with its headquarters in Brno, Czech Republic
  • Association of users and builders of thermal producers and installations - Heating Plants Association with its headquarters in Pardubice, Czech Republic

Company F.P.S. ARCO, Ltd has available a well trained team qualified for works in high and uneasily accessible spots.

Company F.P.S. ARCO, Ltd has submitted an application for granting quality certificate in accord with ÈSN EN ISO 9001:2001.

Since 1991 the company F.P.S. ARCO, Ltd continuously makes profit and in 1998 its currernt assets grew from CZK 200 000,- to CZK 2 200 000,-.